If you’re curious about dental implants, this is the blog for you. SLO Smiles is dedicated to helping people understand their options when it comes to missing teeth. Let’s dive in.
If you happen to have missing teeth, you are not alone. You also need to take action. Here’s why:
At SLO Smiles, our San Luis Obispo dentists have the training, technology, and talent to help you get the healthy smile you’ve always wanted. One popular way we achieve that is through dental implants, which take the place of natural teeth.
Let’s talk about why:
Missing teeth often leads to painful dental health problems like the loss of other teeth, shifting teeth, and bone deterioration. Avoid those costly and uncomfortable issues by investing in dental implants. In doing so, you’ll not only feel better about your beautiful smile, but also significantly improve the overall health of your mouth.
Make the choice to make your life easier. Improve your whole body health, starting with your mouth. As a result, you’ll feel more confident about your smile… Contact the friendly team at SLO Smiles for more information about how dental implants can positively change your life.
If you currently have dentures, you might still be a strong candidate for dental implant treatments. Visit SLO Smiles for a one-on-one consultation to determine if dental implants are the best choice for you and your lifestyle.
There are real differences between dentures and dental implants. Ready to learn more? Our dental implant expert, Dr. Ian Leopold, is prepared to answer your questions. Know that we are available to share information and answers in-person, online, or over the phone. Call to schedule a personal consultation at SLO Smiles today at (805) 541-0550.